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Nov 17, 2019 · Itinanghal na Best Picture ang gay rom-com na Sila Sila ni Giancarlo Abrahan, habang humakot ang unang pelikula ni J.E. Tiglao na Metamorphosis ng limang pagkilala sa awarding ceremony ng Cinema
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MCA Records distributed the label, where Silas at the time was executive vice president, A&R/Artist Development, Black Music Division. Silas Records' first album release was the debut album "Precious" from singer/songwriter Chanté Moore. Silas Records was based Sila - The Series. 4,388 likes. The story of a great love that begins with a marriage that should not be done. Starring Cansu Dere and Mehmet Akif Alakurt.
Silas Records' first album release was the debut album "Precious" from singer/songwriter Chanté Moore. Silas Records was based Sila - The Series. 4,388 likes. The story of a great love that begins with a marriage that should not be done. Starring Cansu Dere and Mehmet Akif Alakurt.
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